Inficon 350-084 PSG500-S Digital Pirani Standard Gauge, 8-VCR, Tungsten Filament, 2 Setpoints
Inficon 350-084 PSG500-S Digital Pirani Standard Gauge, 8-VCR, Tungsten Filament, 2 Setpoints
Inficon PN: 350-084

This Inficon PSG500-S digital Pirani standard gauge has an 8-VCR (1/2"), 2 setpoints and stainless steel measuring cell with tungsten filament and metal-sealed feedthrough.

The Inficon PSG5xx series gauges feature a compact, streamlined design, with a rugged aluminum housing and replaceable stainless steel sensor cell, qualifying them for use on semiconductor systems and for standard applications, such as forelines.

Measurement range (air, 02, CO, N2) is 5 x 10-4 to 1000mbar (3.75 x 10-4 to 750 Torr). One tactile switch for ATM and HV makes adjustments simple.

PSG500 series gauges can mount in any orientation and logarithmic signal output through the RJ-45 connector makes integration easy.

Other PSG5xx series gauges have no setpoints and filaments for corrosive applications.

The Inficon PSG5xx series digital Pirani standard gauges can be used with Inficon VGC501, VGC502 and VGC503 pressure gauge controllers and require a separate signal cable (P104428).

  • OAL: 101.8 mm (4.01 in)
  • Width: 32.8 mm (1.29 in.)
Product: Inficon 350-084 PSG500-S Digital Pirani Standard Gauge, 8-VCR, Tungsten Filament, 2 Setpoints
Condition:      New
Warranty:     Full Manufacturer's Warranty
Part Number: P1010833
Price: $609.37